Can I Make a Claim for My Child’s Birth Injury Negligence?

parents with doctor

During such an emotional time for parents, you expect the highest standard of care for both mother and child. Most cases are positive and successful, however, when doctors and midwives fail in providing their duty to a reasonable standard, mistakes can happen. In the worst cases, this could result in them causing injury to the mother, child, or both. These tragic incidents will often lead to legal proceedings against the hospital, doctor, and the staff.

If your child has been injured during birth, then you could be entitled to compensation.

Who Can Make a Claim for Birth Injury?

As a parent, you could claim compensation for any birth injury that was a result of medical negligence. If your baby had been injured by mistakes in labour or delivery, then it’s important that you seek legal advice as soon as possible. Although some injuries can be minor and relatively easy to recover from, some injuries may be life-changing for the child. You may be entitled to make a claim if your child has been injured due to the negligence or mistakes by medical staff, whether it’s before, during, or after giving birth.

Our experienced medical negligence solicitors have helped families with a wide range of cases including birth injury claims. Many of our cases involve:

  • Cerebral palsy
  • Erb’s palsy
  • Bell’s palsy
  • Shoulder dystocia
  • Still birth
  • Birth trauma
  • Poor delivery technique
  • Ventouse or forceps injuries
  • Negligent management of high-risk births
  • Failure to perform a timely Caesarean section

These situations are often life-changing for the child and parents. In cases of birth injury, seeking legal advice can be the best course of action.


How Long Do I Have To Make A Claim?

As with many other types of claims, there is a time limit for claiming compensation. For birth injury claims, you can claim on behalf of your child at any time before their eighteenth birthday. After they turn eighteen, they have three years to bring the claim.

If you are claiming for a child who has passed away as a result of birth injury, then you have three years to make a claim from the date of their death.


Contact BTTJ Medical Negligence for Birth Negligence Claims

We understand how upsetting it can be to talk about what has happened and how overwhelming the consequences of birth injury are. At BTTJ, we have a team of legal professionals and medical negligence specialists who are exceptionally experienced at handling these types of cases. All advice and information are treated with total confidentiality, compassion and care.

If you or your child has suffered due to medical negligence and you would like to discuss birth injury claims, then please get in touch with us to see how we can help.

You can call us on 0800 032 2474 or you can send us an email here.